
Global Education, Teaching Resources

Printable Student Bookmarks for SDG 3

UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 is about good health and well-being. What are some facts that you could introduce in your classroom to teach this global goal?

How about these?

  • The US spends the most on health care per person per year in the world.
  • Life expectancy has increased for both men and women since 1990.
  • Your heart is a muscle!

Get more SDG 3 facts and tips for healthy living with these free, downloadable bookmarks for students! Incorporating them into your lesson plan can help teach good health and remind students of small actions they can take.

Download here

More resources

Interested in learning more about good health and well-being around the world? Sign up for this free course from our sister company, Participate Inc:Transform Our World: Health and Well-being.

You can also learn more about SDG 3 by reading this blog post, Connecting classrooms to global health topics with the SDGs.