News + People

Participate Learning: Our B Corp Journey

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” - Margaret Mead Participate Learning is…

6 years ago

Employee Spotlight: Ceaira McKoy

Each month, we highlight a Participate Learning staff member to get an inside look at how different roles contribute to…

6 years ago

Employee Spotlight: Marlee Devine

Moving to another country is difficult. Marlee Devine, a teacher resources coordinator, makes the transition process as smooth and stress-free…

6 years ago

How We Exemplify Our Values: Part 3

Interns are a large part of the team at Participate Learning. Our interns do not get coffee and dry cleaning…

6 years ago

Participate Learning 2017-18 End of Year Report

Districts and schools partner with Participate Learning to improve teacher retention and student outcomes. In the 2017-18 academic year, our…

6 years ago

How We Exemplify Our Values: Part 2

One of the aspects I’ve found to be most noble while working at Participate Learning is that our values are…

6 years ago